מבוא לשפת Ruby
תוכנית רובי ראשונה - שלום עולם:
# This is my first ruby program
# A ruby program is written line after line
# (much like many other scripting languages)
# The parenthesis are optional when calling a function,
# so both of these lines do the same thing:
puts "Hello World"
puts("Hello WOrld")
# puts prints a text line to the terminal and appends a newline
# print does the same but doesn't add the newline
print "Hello. Who are you?"
# gets reads a line of input from stdin
name = gets
# ruby supports string interpolation using #{...} syntax
print "Wow nice to meet you #{name} - #{1 + 1}"
תוכנית רובי שניה - חישוב ההפרש בכל שורה בין הערך הגדול ביותר לקטן ביותר, ואז סיכום כל ההפרשים:
# A variable in ruby is declared automatically
# when it is first assigned to
res = 0
# File.open returns a file object,
# and file objects have a method called 'each_line'
# so the following code opens the file AND calls each_line
# on the resulting file object.
# The method each_line takes a block as input
# and will call the block (using yield) on every
# line in the file. Passing blocks around is the main
# way in ruby to implement iterations.
File.open('input.txt').each_line do |line|
# The method String#split takes a string and splits it to an array
# The method Array#map takes an array and a method and invokes the method
# on each element in the array (returning an array of the results)
# Chaining method calls like this looks really nice because no parenthesis are needed.
data = line.split.map(&:to_i)
# Ruby's philosophy is to provide as many built-in methods as possible
# so developers never need to implement infrastructure code.
# That's why we have Array#max, Array#min and many others.
res += data.max - data.min
puts res
פקודות תנאי:
# Read an input line from the user
name = gets
# Strings can be accessed using the brackets
# operator, so here we check if the first character was A
if name[0] == 'A'
puts "WElcome master"
puts "bye bye..."
לולאות ב Ruby:
# The keyword def defines a function
# The return is optional as well as the parenthesis in the
# function header
# A function definition ends with the "end" keyword
def twice(x)
return x * 2
# The syntax do ... end defines a block
# blocks represent code that is sent to other functions
# The function Integer#times takes a block and calls it
# n times (according to the integer value)
10.times do |val|
puts "Hello #{val}"
# A while loop also works just like in other languages
x = 5
while x < 10
x += 1
puts twice(x)
בלוקים ופונקציות:
# The command yield invokes the block passed
# to this function
def call_twice
# So for example to function Integer#times looks
# something like the following:
def call_n_times(n)
i = 0
while i < n
i += 1
# Calling that function works just the same as calling
# built-in functions that take blocks
call_n_times(10) do
puts "Hello World"
מימוש מחלקה ב Ruby:
# The class keyword defines a class
# The class definition ends with the "end" keyword
class Person
# In ruby we can actually write code here inside the class
# definition. Code written here has access to its containing class
# and so many times it is used to modify the class definition
# dynamically. For example the function attr_accessor is used
# to add getter and setter methods to the class automatically
# attr_accessor :name
# attr_reader :name
# attr_writer :name
# A special method `initialize` is called every time
# a new object from this class is generated (with new)
# Ruby marks member fields with the special @ prefix
# so our person class has one member data variable called @name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
# getter
def name
# setter
def name=(val)
@name = val
def say_hi
puts "#{@name} - Hello"
p = Person.new('ynon')
q = Person.new('ynon')
r = Person.new('ynon')
p.name = 'demo'
puts p.name
קל מאוד ב Ruby לשנות קוד קיים של המערכת באמצעות Monkey Patching:
# Monkey patching is the ability to change built-in
# language behaviour by extending the classes.
# Here for example we change the Integer class by
# overriding its #to_s method
class Integer
def to_s
# Another example - adding Array#second, Array#third
# to all the arrays in ruby
class Array
def first
def second
def third